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Conservative Management of Spontaneous Pneumothoraces in the Emergency Department (CONSEPT): A Randomised Controlled Trial

Inclusion Criteria:

Exclusion Criteria:

You will not be able to recruit the patient if there is no member of staff on duty who is on the Delegation Log and has access to the RedCap database – this can be found on SharePoint

Go here: Sharepoint ➡ ED Shared Folders ➡ Research ➡ GCP,CV,Delegation Spreadsheet ➡ CONSEPT Tab)

If the patient is eligible:

Step by Step Guide to Recruitment:

9-5 Monday to Friday:
Out of hours and weekends:
  1. Collect “CONSEPT per patient pack” from the magazine rack in the ambulance bay, and give the patient the patient information leaflet (PIS) contained in the pack
  2. image of rack in ambulance bay
  3. Confirm Eligibility (This must be done by a Dr or a Nurse who is on the Delegation Log)
  4. Complete the upper section of the SL1 Screening Form then sign – ‘Name of Clinician confirming Eligibility’. (1/3 of the way down the form). Remember to put MRN in top right corner.
  5. Consent the patient (Patient Consent only – the patient must have capacity) and complete consent form.
  6. Go to the the online randomisation site: Click here
  7. The randomisation should then be recorded on the notes using the Smart phrase .CONSEPT
  8. Ask the patient to complete the patient questionnaire.
  9. Inform Patient that they will be followed up by the Pleural Nurse Specialist on the next working weekday
  10. Place ALL the documentation (including the questionnaire) in research post box – behind our receptionists
image of reception documents box

We provide a 24-hour phone line for clinicians, dedicated to addressing any enquiries related to eligibility and randomisation. This is to ensure that you can access crucial information at any time. The number is:

01865 282954

Patient management after randomisation and treatment completed:

Link for further information:

CONSEPT – Bristol Trials Centre

Download study information here

Please contact the ED Research Team when eligible patients arrive in ED:
Send the ED Research Team a message via Epic chat "ED research Team" or phone 217907