Pragmatic non-inferiority Randomised trial Investigating Needle aspiration versus ChEst drain for Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Inclusion Criteria:
≥ 18 years old
The pneumothorax is of sufficient size and symptoms for the treating physician to consider intervention with ICD, AND
The patient has a spontaneous secondary pneumothorax; i.e.a pneumothorax occurring in a patient with one of:
Known underlying lung disease OR
≥ 50 years of age with significant smoking history OR
With suspected underlying lung disease with radiology confirming structural lung disease.
Exclusion Criteria:
Bilateral pneumothorax
Traumatic or iatrogenic pneumothorax
Clinical concerns of tension pneumothorax
Age < 18 years of age
Known pregnancy
You will not be able to recruit the patient if there is no member of staff on duty who is on the Delegation Log and has access to the RedCap database – this can be found on SharePoint
Go here: Sharepoint ➡ ED Shared Folders ➡ Research ➡ GCP,CV,Delegation Spreadsheet ➡ PRINCE-SSP Tab)
If the patient is eligible:
Step by Step Guide to Recruitment:
In standard working hours; 9-5
Please contact the ED Research Team when eligible patients arrive in ED:
Send the ED Research Team a message via Epic chat "ED research Team" or phone 217907
Out of hours and weekends:
Obtain a pack from the rack in the ambulance bay:
Patients with capacity - use Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form
Patients without capacity - use either Personal or Professional Consultee – Use Nominated Consultee Information Sheet and sign Nominated Consultee Consent Form