Quick enrollment guides for all the
research studies at CUH Emergency Department
A child with a suspected UTI
Respiratory illness in admitted children
bronchiolitis in under 12-month old
Suspected UTI, in a child less than 3 months old
Pneumonia and they are 50 years old or over
Undisplaced distal radius fracture in over 16 year old
Head injury in over 50 year old ..........
Traumatic pneumothorax
Spontaneous Primary Pneumothorax
Spontaneous Secondary Pneumothorax
OOHCA: The uDCD study has been paused temporarily
A list of recently closed studies
The ED research team (EURECA) work 9-5, Monday to Friday. We are a team of 4 research nurses - Susie, Kerry,
Emma and Jewel, HCA Asa and team administrator Summer. We can be contacted via:-
Epic chat "ED research Team"
Tel: 217907
Email: cuh.edresearchteam@nhs.net